Poster/Presenter(s) Location/Presentation Time
OK, Let’s Try It: One DNP Program’s Story on a Renewed Appreciation of Students’ Learning Needs After Curriculum Integration of an Interprofessional National Case Study Competition
Cindy Acton, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Identifying Factors Contributing to Increase Patient Wait Times in a Selected Wound Care Patients for the Development of Finding Ways for Clinical Improvement- a Retrospective Approach
Perception of Weight Status Among Adults Across Weight Spectrum: A Field Study
Azra Alomerovic, DNP, ARNP, FNP-BC
Implementing Language Services for Immigrants and  Limited English Proficiency Patients in Rural Health Care Practices
Mary Ellen Biggerstaff,  DNP, FNP
Avoiding Antibiotic Resistance with the Implementation of a Helicobacter Pylori Test and Treat Program in Rural Nepal Facilitated by a Nurse Practitioner
Shelley Bloom, DNP, FNP-C
Experiences of LGBT Patients When Seeking Assisted Reproduction: Barriers to Quality Care and Recommendations for Improvement
Ruby J Booras, MN,  FNP,  DNP student
“Infographics: Piloting a New Essential DNP Skill”
Molly J. Bradshaw, APN, MSN, FNP-BC, WHNP-BC
Development of a Lung Cancer Survivorship Program
Marlene Brengard, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
DNP Strategies to Improve Stroke Transitions of Care
Kathleen Burns, DNP, MSN, RN, ACCNS-BC, ACCNS-A/G, CEN
Utilizing Information Technology to Improve Response to Early Signs of Clinical Deterioration
Kathleen Burns, DNP, MSN, RN, ACCNS-BC, ACCNS-A/G, CEN
Animal Assisted Therapy for Anxiety Reduction in Adult Special Needs Dental Patients
Caren M. Cajares, CRNA, DNP
Many Demands on Registered Nurses
Krystal Canady, DNP, MSN, FNP-C, RN
Deborah Allen, PhD, FNP-C, BC
DNP Postgraduate Education: A Model for Advancing the Role of the DNP in Practice
Renee Cantarini, MN, ARNP, FNP-BC,
Anne P. Poppe PhDc, MN, BA, RN
The Congruence Model as a Guide for Organizational Change in a Clinic Setting
Rebecca J. Carley, DNP, APRN-CNP
The Effectiveness of an Evidence-based Practice Program on Evidence-based Practice Attributes among Advanced Practice Nurses
Lacey Ann Carlson, DNP, FNP-BC, CCRN
Barrier and Facilitators to HIV Screening in Primary Care: A Review of the Literature
Maura Carroll, DNP, MN, MPH, RN, FNP-BC
Serum Procalcitonin Levels on Antibiotic Duration & Patient Outcomes in COPD Exacerbations
Essence Monee’ Carter-Griffin, DNP, RN, ACNP-BC
Deborah Buckley Behan, PhD, RN-BC
Implementation of a Nurse Residency Program for New Graduate Nurses
Linda Cason, MSN, CNS, RN-BC, NE-BC, CNRN, DNP student
We Can Do Better!  How Healthcare Providers Can Aid Smoking Cessation During Pregnancy
Corinne A. Coppinger, DNP, RNC, WHNP-BC
An Untapped Resource for DNP Leaders–The Pivotal Role of Clinical Scholars
Jill Crawford, DNP, RN, NE-BC
Factors Influencing Oxygen Desaturation of Obese Patients During Induction of General Anesthesia
Nancy L. Curll, CRNA, MSN
Kathie S. Zimbro, Ph.D., R.N.
Accountable Care Organizations: Preparing Nursing to be at the Table for Critical Involvement
Tammy Davis, MSN, ARNP, DNP
Preoperative Oral Assessment and Referral Guidelines: An Evidence-Based Practice Change
S. Jasmine Demos, DNP, MSN, RNC, CRNP, CPNP, NPFA, GRN
Advance Care Planning Complexities for Nurse Practitioners
Monica Dube, BSN, MS, FNP-BC, DNP (c)
An Investigation of Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention and Case Management
Andrea Eiseman, MN, ARNP, FNP-BC
Sexual Health Discussions with Cancer Patients: An Investigation of the Barriers for Oncology Providers
Margaret Ellings, MN, ARNP, FNP-BC, RN
Student-Identified Facilitators and Barriers to DNP Program Success
Jana Esden, DNP, APNP, FNP-BC
Mary Nichols, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC
Accountable Care Organizations Using Nurse Practitioners: Changing Heart Failure Management Outcomes
Martha G. Ferrara, FNP-C, CCDS, FHRS
Kathleen Shurpin, PhD RN
Safety Hazards Education for Mothers Who Are Homeless
Susan Halpern Fliesher, RN, DNP, CPNP
Susann Farberman RN, DNP, MEd, CPNP
Mary Curtis PhD, RN, ANP-C
A Better DNP: Integrating the Student Clinical Practicum and Scholarly Practice Project
Sharron Forest, DNP, APRN, NNP-BC
Linda R. Rounds, PhD, RN, FNP, FAANP, FAAN
Medicating Patients for Pain: How Well Do We Meet Their Needs?
Toni Tortorella Genova, DNP, RN
Brenda Marshall EdD, APRN, NE-BC
Addressing the Elephant in the Room: A DNP Study to Explore the Nurse Manager Recognition of and Response to Nurse-to-Nurse Bullying
Rebecca Gilbert,  DNP, RN, CCRN
John S. Hudson,  PhD, RN
David Strider,  DNP, ACNP, RN, CCRN
OPEN: An Evidence – Based Online Preceptor Education Program for Nurses

Elissa Harmon, RN, DNP, CCRN, APHN-BC
Nurse Practitioner Practice Patterns for Management of Heart Failure in Long-term Care Facilities
Candace C.  Harrington, DNP, APRN, AGPCNP-BC
Cardiovascular Risk in Prevention in Women: Beyond the Traditional Risk Factors
Stacy Eggimann Harris, MSN, APRN, ANP-BC
Improving TB Assessment and Screening by Nurse Practitioners: A Clinic-Based Quality Improvement Project
Sharisse A. Hebert, MSN, FNP-BC
Called 2 Collaborate: An Inter-professional Education Faculty Development Program
Dayna Herrera, DNP, RN
Diabetes Type 2 Self-Management Education Program: Short Messaging from Patient Portal to Web-enabled Device
Linda S. Holcomb, MSN, APRN, FNP-C
The Effects of a Mental Health Continuing Education Program on Registered Nurse Self- Perceived Behavioral Health Competency and Attitudes Toward Mental Illness
Barbara Huggins,  DNPc, RN, PMH, CNS-BC, CNE
A Proposed Strategy to Prepare Students for a Successful DNP Journey
Joanie Jackson, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
Jenny Holcombe, PhD
Decreasing Readmission Rates of Patients with COPD
Jamila Jones, DNP, APN, NP-C 
Adolescent Perceptions of Sexual Health Education Transmitted Via Social Media
Krista Jones DNP, MSN, APHN, RN
Development and Implementation of Cross Specialty Clinical Seminar Sessions to Enhance DNP Essentials
Gail M Kieckhefer, PCPNP, ARNP. PhD
Jennifer Sonney, PhD Candidate, ARNP, PCPNP
Structured Eating Plan (STEP) in Patients with Heart Failure (Pilot Study)
Sun Min Kim,  DNP
Helme Silvet,  MD, MPH, FACC
Needs Assessment of Clinical Preceptors for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
Tracie W. Kirkland,  DNP, APRN, ANP-BC, PNP-BC
Kathleen M. Barta, Ed.D, APRN, PNP-BC​

Ameliorating Health Outcomes in Homeless Populations: An Innovative Model for Providing Care
Tammy Kiser, RN, MSN
“I Need to Hear Your Thoughts” – The Art of Engaging Caregivers in Chronic Disease Management and Palliative Care to Improve the Patient Experience of Care
Praba Koomson, DNP, MSc GPPH, PLNC, CCM
Promoting Resilience in Children with Exposure Risk to Adverse Childhood Experiences: Evaluation and Trial of Group Reflective Practice with Healthcare Providers and Staff
Kelli Kraft, MN, ARNP, FNP-BC
Process Evaluation of Reporting Adverse Events through Datix
Sheba Kuriakose, RN, MSN, FNP-C
Development of a Community Based Menopause Workshop, Menopause…Re-imagined, for the Upper Cumberland Region of Tennessee
Barbara W. Lancaster, MSN, APN, WHNP-BC, sDNP
Shared Healthcare Appointments: Process and Benefits
Mary D. Lavin, DNP, APRN-CNP
Breast is BEST:  Increasing Healthcare Provider Knowledge and Confidence
Emily A. Lee, MSN, RN, FNP-C, CLC
Joanie Jackson, DNP, FNP
Using the Data-Driven Policy Making Model as a Template To Aid DNP Students in Analyzing and Evaluating Policy
Oscar Danny Lee, PhD, APRN-BC, CNE
Janet Jones, DNS, APRN, CNS, CCRA
Implementation of an Organization-Specific Perioperative Recommendation Based on the 2014 ACC/AHA Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation and Management of Patients Undergoing Non-Cardiac Orthopedic Surgery Guideline
Yasmine Lee, MSN, ANP-BC, DNP-c
Well Male Exam Clinical Documentation Tool Template for Men Who Have Sex with Men
Mark Alan Manning, MN, NP-C, DNP student University of Washington
Does the implementation of Formal Preceptor Training Lead to Increased Nurse Satisfaction and Role Confidence among Nurse Preceptors
Beth Marquez,  MSN, MBA, RN
The Art of Healing: Transforming ICU Care Delivery Using a Collaborative Approach
TaShauna McCray, MSN, RN
Social Media:  Friend or Foe
Sandi McDermott, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Kathy Drescher, DNP, APRN, CNS-CC, CPNP, CNML

Establishing Telemental Health in a Rural Primary Care Clinic in California: A Toolkit
Janet Meda, DNP, FNP-C, PHN
Improving Compliance with Clinical Practice Guidelines to Reduce Urinary Tract Infections in Long Term Care
Char L. Miller, DNP(c), MSN, ANP-BC, CNE
Utilization of the Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurse Practitioner to Meet North Carolina Healthcare Needs
Kelli Miller, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
Conquer My Seizures:  An Exploratory Study Evaluating an Educational Intervention Designed to Improve the Lives of Young People with Epilepsy Through Self-Management
Andrea Moody, FNP-C, CNRN, DNPc
Nurse Scan Errors within an Electronic Bar Code Medication Administration System
Louann O’Dell, RN, DNP
Evaluation of Hypertension Knowledge to Improve Hypertension Self-Management Education in Primary Care Advanced Nursing Practice
Marietta Olaivar-Lomboy,  MSN, ANP-C
Mock Safety Team Assessment Response System (S.T.A.R.) Code Program
Tanya Parker, MA, MSN, DNP (c), RN
Development of an Integration Model of Evidence-Based Practice, Process Improvement and Patient Safety
Michelle Pendleton, DNP, RN
Bill Harrington, PhDc in Industrial Engineering, MBA
Kelly Johnson, RN, MSN, CPPS
Current Attitudes and Practices among Pregnant Women toward Influenza Immunization
Sharon Puchalski, DNP, WHNP-BC
Cheryl Hollema, DNP, FNP-BC
Utilizing Case Scenarios in a Virtual Learning Environment to Assess and Refine Critical Thinking in Graduate Nursing Education Students
Lisa B. Robinson, DNP, NP-C
Electronic Health Record Downtime Preparedness: A Critical Issue
Kelli Sue Roush, MSN, RN – BC
Treating Veterans with Hypertension in a Shared Medical Visit Clinic
Harry E. Scher, DNP, MS, APRN
Optimizing Usability of the EMR to Meet and Measure Quality Indicators
Sarah E. Shultz, MSN, RN, NE-BC
Mikel W. Hand, EdD, RN, OCN, NE-BC, NEA-BC
The Value of the DNP (Doctorate of Nursing Practice) in Nursing Education
Cari Simpson, DNP, MSN, RN, CNE
Diane Anderson, DNP, MSN, RN, CNE
Using Interprofessional Team Collaboration, Logic Model, and Conceptual Framework for Successful Cardiac Catheterization Lab
Kendra Slatton, RN, MSN, CDE
Implementation of Food Insecurity Screening in Clinical Setting
Florence N. Soba,  DNP, FNP-BC
Population Focused Health Brief: Integrating Informatics, Population Health and Policy
Susan B. Stillwell, DNP,  CNE,  ANEF,  FAAN
Theory-Based Strategy to Enhance Nurses’ Teaching Skills with Patients
Patricia J. Stoffers, DNP, MS, RN, WHNP-BC
Carol Hatler, PhD, RN
Palliative Milrinone Therapy for End Stage Heart Failure Patients
Nickie Snyder, ARNP
Examining Strategies to Sustain Improved Physical Activity Behaviors and Healthy BMI Outcomes in College Students
Wendi Mortimer Swanson, MSN, RN, FNP-C
Attitudes Toward Interprofessional Practice in Primary Care: Reality or Wishful Thinking?
Jan Tillman, DNP, RN, FNP-BC
Mandatory Influenza Vaccination of Healthcare Providers
Sheryl Timpanelli, DNP
Lessons Learned: Implementation of Team Based Learning in an Online Asynchronous Graduate Level Nursing Course
Naomi Twigg, PhD, PHCNS-BC, RN
Medical Management of Trans* Youth Patients: Development of Clinic Protocol
Catherine Verriere, MN, ARNP, FNP-BC
Improving Patient Flow in the Emergency Department: Redesign of a Nurse Greeter Role
Rebecca Weidler, RN, MN, FNP-C, DNP Student
A Randomized Trial of Integrative Imagery to Reduce Pain and Anxiety In Adult Hematologic Patients Undergoing Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
Audrey Weisman, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, OCN
Denise Ramponi, DNP, FNP-BC, ENP-BC, FAANP, FAEN
Thomas W. Cline, MBA, Ph.D
Nancy Mishanie, RN
A Mobile Health Technology (mHealth) Intervention to Improve Self-Management of Hypertension among Free Healthcare Clinics:  An Innovative Strategy to Improve Healthcare Outcome
Pamela Welsh,  MSN, CRNP, Doctoral Candidate
Imposter Phenomenon and Innovation in the DNP
Colleen Williams, RN, MSN, NE-BC
An Innovative Approach to Addressing Neighborhood Safety:
How One Simple Idea Led to a “Brighter” Future for Detroit
Lisa Zajac, MSN, RN, ANP,BC, OCN


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