Wednesday September 16, 2015 Poster Schedule

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Time/Location Presentation & Presenter
South Room 3rd Fl.
1:30PM & 4:00PM
0.10 CEU
OK, Let’s Try It: One DNP Program’s Story on a Renewed Appreciation of Students’ Learning Needs After Curriculum Integration of an Interprofessional National Case Study Competition
Cindy Acton, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
1:40PM & 4:10PM
0.10 CEU
Identifying Factors Contributing to Increase Patient Wait Times in a Selected Wound Care Patients for the Development of Finding Ways for Clinical Improvement- a Retrospective Approach
1:50PM & 4:20PM
0.10 CEU
Perception of Weight Status Among Adults Across Weight Spectrum: A Field Study
Azra Alomerovic, DNP, ARNP, FNP-BC
2:00PM & 4:30PM
0.10 CEU
Implementing Language Services for Immigrants and  Limited English Proficiency Patients in
Rural Health Care Practices

Mary Ellen Biggerstaff,  DNP, FNP
2:10PM & 4:40PM
0.10 CEU
Avoiding Antibiotic Resistance with the Implementation of a Helicobacter Pylori Test and Treat Program in Rural Nepal Facilitated by a Nurse Practitioner
Shelley Bloom, DNP, FNP-C
2:20PM & 4:50PM  Discussion Time
West Room 3rd Fl.
1:30PM & 4:00PM
0.10 CEU
Infographics: Piloting a New Essential DNP Skill
Molly J. Bradshaw, APN, MSN, FNP-BC, WHNP-BC
1:40PM & 4:10PM
0.10 CEU
Many Demands on Registered Nurses
Krystal Canady, DNP, MSN, FNP-C, RN & Deborah Allen, PhD, FNP-C, BC
1:50PM & 4:20PM
0.10 CEU
DNP Strategies to Improve Stroke Transitions of Care
Kathleen Burns, DNP, MSN, RN, ACCNS-BC, ACCNS-A/G, CEN
2:00PM & 4:30PM
0.10 CEU
Utilizing Information Technology to Improve Response to Early Signs of Clinical Deterioration
Kathleen Burns, DNP, MSN, RN, ACCNS-BC, ACCNS-A/G, CEN
2:10PM & 4:40PM
0.10 CEU
Attitudes Toward Inter-professional Practice in Primary Care: Reality or Wishful Thinking?
Janet Tillman, DNP, RN, FNP-BC
2:20PM & 4:50PM  Discussion Time
Spring Room 4th Fl.
1:30PM & 4:00PM
0.10 CEU
DNP Postgraduate Education: A Model for Advancing the Role of the DNP in Practice
Renee Cantarini, MN, ARNP, FNP-BC & Anne P. Poppe PhDc, MN, BA, RN
1:40PM & 4:10PM
0.10 CEU
The Congruence Model as a Guide for Organizational Change in a Clinic Setting
Rebecca J. Carley, DNP, APRN-CNP
1:50PM & 4:20PM
0.10 CEU
Implementation of a Nurse Residency Program for New Graduate Nurses
Linda Cason, DNP, CNS, RN-BC, NE-BC, CNRN
2:00PM & 4:30PM
0.10 CEU
Lessons Learned: Implementation of Team Based Learning in an Online Asynchronous Graduate Level Nursing Course
Naomi Twigg, PhD, PHCNS-BC, RN
2:10PM & 4:40PM
0.10 CEU
Serum Procalcitonin Levels on Antibiotic Duration & Patient Outcomes in COPD Exacerbations
Essence Monee’ Carter-Griffin, DNP, RN, ACNP-BC & Deborah Buckley Behan, PhD, RN-BC
2:20PM & 4:50PM  Discussion Time
Marion Room 4th Fl.
1:30PM & 4:00PM
0.10 CEU
We Can Do Better!  How Healthcare Providers Can Aid Smoking Cessation During Pregnancy
Corinne A. Coppinger, DNP, RNC, WHNP-BC
1:40PM & 4:10PM
0.10 CEU
An Untapped Resource for DNP Leaders–The Pivotal Role of Clinical Scholars
Jill Crawford, DNP, RN, NE-BC & Marie A. Lehman, RN, MSN
1:50PM & 4:20PM
0.10 CEU
Preoperative Oral Assessment and Referral Guidelines: An Evidence-Based Practice Change
S. Jasmine Demos, DNP, MSN, RNC, CRNP, CPNP, NPFA, GRN
2:00PM & 4:30PM
0.10 CEU
Advance Care Planning Complexities for Nurse Practitioners
Monica Dube, DNP, FNP-BC
2:10PM & 4:40PM
0.10 CEU
Improving TB Assessment and Screening by Nurse Practitioners: A Clinic-Based Quality
Improvement Project

Sharisse A. Hebert, DNP, FNP-BC
2:20PM & 4:50PM Discussion Time
James Room 4th Fl.
1:30PM & 4:00PM
0.10 CEU
Accountable Care Organizations Using NPs: Changing Heart Failure Management Outcomes
Martha G. Ferrara, FNP-C, CCDS, FHRS & Kathleen Shurpin, PhD RN
1:40PM & 4:10PM
0.10 CEU
“I Need to Hear Your Thoughts” – The Art of Engaging Caregivers in Chronic Disease Management and Palliative Care to Improve the Patient Experience of Care
Praba Koomson, DNP, MSc GPPH, PLNC, CCM
1:50PM & 4:20PM
0.10 CEU
Scholarship of Engagement: DNP-Prepared Clinical Faculty Preparing the Next Generation of Nurses
Christine Espina, DNP, MN, RN & Lisa M. Taylor, DNP, FNP-BC, BSN
2:00PM & 4:30PM
0.10 CEU
Addressing the Elephant in the Room: A DNP Study to Explore the Nurse Manager Recognition of and Response to Nurse-to-Nurse Bullying
Rebecca Gilbert,  DNP, RN, CCRN, John S. Hudson,  PhD, RN &
David Strider,  DNP, ACNP, RN, CCRN
2:10PM & 4:40PM
0.10 CEU
OPEN: An Evidence – Based Online Preceptor Education Program for Nurses
Elissa Harmon, RN, DNP, CCRN, APHN-BC
2:20PM & 4:50PM Discussion Time

Thursday September 17, 2015 Poster Schedule

Time/Location Presentation & Presenter
South Room 3rd Fl.
1PM & 3:15PM
0.10 CEU
Using Interprofessional Team Collaboration, Logic Model, and Conceptual Framework for
Successful Cardiac Catheterization Lab

Kendra Slatton, DNP, RN, CDE
1:10PM & 3:25PM
0.10 CEU
Student-Identified Facilitators and Barriers to DNP Program Success
Jana Esden, DNP, APNP, FNP-BC & Mary Nichols, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC
1:20PM & 3:35PM
0.10 CEU
Adolescent Perceptions of Sexual Health Education Transmitted Via Social Media
Krista Jones DNP, MSN, APHN, RN
1:30PM & 3:45PM
0.10 CEU
Promoting Resilience in Children with Exposure Risk to Adverse Childhood Experiences: Evaluation and Trial of Group Reflective Practice with Healthcare Providers and Staff
Kelli Kraft, MN, ARNP, FNP-BC
1:40PM & 3:55PM
0.10 CEU
Improving Patient Flow in the Emergency Department: Redesign of a Nurse Greeter Role
Rebecca Weidler, RN, MN, FNP-C, DNP Student
1:50PM & 4:05PM Discussion Time
West Room 3rd Fl.
1PM & 3:15PM
0.10 CEU
Called 2 Collaborate: An Interprofessional Education Faculty Development Program
Dayna Herrera, DNP, RN
1:10PM & 3:25PM
0.10 CEU
Diabetes Type 2 Self-Management Education Program: Short Messaging from Patient Portal to Web-enabled Device
Linda S. Holcomb, DNP, APRN, FNP-C
1:20PM & 3:35PM
0.10 CEU
The Effects of a Mental Health Continuing Education Program on Registered Nurse Self- Perceived Behavioral Health Competency and Attitudes Toward Mental Illness
Barbara Huggins,  DNPc, RN, PMH,CNS-BC, CNE
1:30PM & 3:45PM
0.10 CEU
A Proposed Strategy to Prepare Students for a Successful DNP Journey
Joanie Jackson, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
Jenny Holcombe, PhD
1:40PM & 3:55PM
0.10 CEU
Electronic Health Record Downtime Preparedness: A Critical Issue
Kelli Sue Roush, DNP, RN-BC
1:50PM & 4:05PM Discussion Time
Spring Room 4th Fl.
1PM & 3:15PM
0.10 CEU
Development and Implementation of Cross Specialty Clinical Seminar Sessions to
Enhance DNP Essentials

Gail M Kieckhefer, PCPNP, ARNP. PhD & Jennifer Sonney, PhD Candidate, ARNP, PCPNP
1:10PM & 3:25PM
0.10 CEU
Structured Eating Plan (STEP) in Patients with Heart Failure (Pilot Study)
Sun Min Kim,  DNP & Helme Silvet,  MD, MPH, FACC
1:20PM & 3:35PM
0.10 CEU
Needs Assessment of Clinical Preceptors for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
Tracie W. Kirkland,  DNP, APRN, ANP-BC, PNP-BC & Kathleen M. Barta, Ed.D, APRN, PNP-BC​
1:30PM & 3:45PM
0.10 CEU
Ameliorating Health Outcomes in Homeless Populations: An Innovative Model for Providing Care
Tammy Kiser, RN, MSN
1:40PM & 3:55PM
0.10 CEU
A Better DNP: Integrating the Student Clinical Practicum and Scholarly Practice Project
Sharron Forest, DNP, APRN, NNP-BC & Linda R. Rounds, PhD, RN, FNP, FAANP, FAAN
1:50PM & 4:05PM Discussion Time
Marion Room 4th Fl.
1PM & 3:15PM
0.10 CEU
Process Evaluation of Reporting Adverse Events through Datix
Sheba Ann Luke DNP, RN, MSN, FNP-C
1:10PM & 3:25PM
0.10 CEU
Development of a Community Based Menopause Workshop, Menopause…Re-imagined, for the Upper Cumberland Region of Tennessee
Barbara Whitman Lancaster, DNP, WHNP-BC, NCMP
1:20PM & 3:35PM
0.10 CEU
Shared Healthcare Appointments: Process and Benefits
Mary D. Lavin, DNP, APRN-CNP
1:30PM & 3:45PM
0.10 CEU
Breast is BEST:  Increasing Healthcare Provider Knowledge and Confidence
Emily A. Lee, MSN, RN, FNP-C, CLC & Joanie Jackson, DNP, FNP
1:40PM & 3:55PM
0.10 CEU
Using the Data-Driven Policy Making Model as a Template to Aid DNP Students in Analyzing and Evaluating Policy
Oscar Danny Lee, PhD, APRN-BC, CNE, Janet Jones, DNS, APRN, CNS, CCRA &
1:50PM & 4:05PM Discussion Time
James Room 4th Fl.
1PM & 3:15PM
0.10 CEU
Well Male Exam Clinical Documentation Tool Template for Men Who Have Sex with Men
Mark Alan Manning, DNP
1:10PM & 3:25PM
0.10 CEU
Does the implementation of Formal Preceptor Training Lead to Increased Nurse Satisfaction and Role Confidence among Nurse Preceptors
Beth Marquez,  DNP, MSN, MBA, RN
1:20PM & 3:35PM
0.10 CEU
The Art of Healing: Transforming ICU Care Delivery Using a Collaborative Approach
TaShauna McCray, MSN, RN
1:30PM & 3:45PM
0.10 CEU
Development of an Integration Model of Evidence-Based Practice, Process Improvement and
Patient Safety

Michelle Pendleton, DNP, RN, Bill Harrington, PhDc in Industrial Engineering, MBA &
Kelly Johnson, RN, MSN, CPPS
1:40PM & 3:55PM
0.10 CEU
Establishing Telemental Health in a Rural Primary Care Clinic in California: A Toolkit
Janet Meda, DNP, FNP-C, PHN
1:50PM & 4:05PM Discussion Time

Friday September 18, 2015 Poster Schedule

Time/Location Presentation & Presenter
South Room 3rd Fl.
1PM & 3:15PM
0.10 CEU
Utilization of the Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurse Practitioner to
Meet North Carolina Healthcare Needs

Kelli Miller, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
1:10PM & 3:25PM
0.10 CEU
Conquer My Seizures:  An Exploratory Study Evaluating an Educational Intervention Designed to Improve the Lives of Young People with Epilepsy Through Self-Management
Andrea Moody, DNP, FNP-C, CNRN
1:20PM & 3:35PM
0.10 CEU
Nurse Scan Errors within an Electronic Bar Code Medication Administration System
Louann O’Dell, DNP, RN
1:30PM & 3:45PM
0.10 CEU
Evaluation of Hypertension Knowledge to Improve Hypertension Self-Management Education in Primary Care Advanced Nursing Practice
Marietta Olaivar-Lomboy,  MSN, ANP-C, DNP
1:40PM & 3:55PM
0.10 CEU
Mock Safety Team Assessment Response System (S.T.A.R.) Code Program
Tanya Parker, MA, MSN, DNP (c), RN
1:50PM & 4:05PM Discussion Time
West Room 3rd Fl.
1PM & 3:15PM
0.10 CEU
Current Attitudes and Practices among Pregnant Women toward Influenza Immunization
Sharon Puchalski, DNP, WHNP-BC & Cheryl Hollema, DNP, FNP-BC
1:10PM & 3:25PM
0.10 CEU
Factors Influencing Oxygen Desaturation of Obese Patients During Induction of Gen. Anesthesia
Nancy L. Curll, CRNA, MSN & Kathie S. Zimbro, Ph.D., R.N.
1:20PM & 3:35PM Medicating Patients for Pain: How Well Do We Meet Their Needs?
Toni Tortorella Genova, DNP, RN
Brenda Marshall EdD, APRN, NE-BC
1:30PM & 3:45PM
0.10 CEU
Treating Veterans with Hypertension in a Shared Medical Visit ClinicHarry E. Scher, DNP, MS, APRN
*Presentation Withdrawn*
1:40PM & 3:55PM
0.10 CEU
Optimizing Usability of the EMR to Meet and Measure Quality Indicators
Sarah E. Shultz, MSN, CCRN, RN-BC & Mikel W. Hand, EdD, RN, OCN, NE-BC, NEA-BC
1:50PM & 4:05PM
0.10 CEU
Discussion Time
Spring Room 4th Fl.
1PM & 3:15PM
0.10 CEU
Examining Strategies to Sustain Improved Physical Activity Behaviors and Healthy BMI Outcomes in College Students
Wendi Mortimer Swanson, DNP, FNP-C
1:10PM & 3:25PM
0.10 CEU
Implementation of Food Insecurity Screening in Clinical Setting
Florence N. Soba,  DNP, FNP-BC
1:20PM & 3:35PM
0.10 CEU
Population Focused Health Brief: Integrating Informatics, Population Health and Policy
Susan B. Stillwell, DNP,  CNE,  ANEF,  FAAN
1:30PM & 3:45PM
0.10 CEU
Theory-Based Strategy to Enhance Nurses’ Teaching Skills with Patients
Patricia J. Stoffers, DNP, MS, RN, WHNP-BC & Carol Hatler, PhD, RN
1:40PM & 3:55PM
0.10 CEU
Palliative Milrinone Therapy for End Stage Heart Failure Patients
Nickie Snyder, ARNP
1:50PM & 4:05PM Discussion Time
James Room 4th Fl.
1PM & 3:15PM
0.10 CEU
A Mobile Health Technology (mHealth) Intervention to Improve Self-Management of Hypertension among Free Healthcare Clinics:  An Innovative Strategy to Improve Healthcare Outcome
Pamela Welsh,  DNP, MSN, CRNP, NP-C
1:10PM & 3:25PM
0.10 CEU
Implementation of an Evidence-Based Parturient-Controlled Epidural Analgesia (PCEA) Program in a Labor & Delivery Unit
Scott Monterde, DNP, CRNA, APN & Joanie Jackson, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
1:20PM & 3:35PM
0.10 CEU
An Innovative Approach to Addressing Neighborhood Safety:
How One Simple Idea Led to a “Brighter” Future for Detroit

Lisa Zajac, MSN, RN, ANP,BC, OCN
1:30PM & 3:45PM
0.10 CEU
 The Impact of the DNP:  The First Five Years of the UTA DNP Program
Sharolyn K Dihigo, DNP, RN, CPNP-PC
1:40PM & 3:55PM
0.10 CEU
1:50PM & 4:05PM Discussion Time
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