We are proud to share information about Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc. reflecting our history, current status, and projected growth.
This prospectus is primarily for people, groups, or entities that may consider taking over this corporation to bring it to the next level of service for all customers and stakeholders. The goal of displaying this prospectus is to articulate the services offered to display value added to the profession, doctoral-prepared nurses, and collaborating organizations.
History: Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc. was created in 2007, and the first national DNP Conference took place in October 2008.
Conferences have taken place annually in different venues in the United States (except in 2020 due to the pandemic).
The Academy of Doctoral Prepared Nurses was formed as a subsidiary of Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc. in 2024. The inaugural summit took place in June 2024, along with the 17th National DNP Conference in Key West, FL.
Services provided:
Services offered and data collected and displayed are on these three integrated websites. The first iteration of the Doctors of Nursing Practice Inc. website arrived in February 2007. Multiple generations of the site have evolved over the years to become a robust and complex site that provided years of archived information and communication systems to meet the needs of doctoral-prepared nursing colleagues.
The Academy of Doctoral Prepared Nurses site opened in early 2025 to display initiatives and projects with the intent of this being the communication vehicle for participants, contributors, and members of this academy. The inaugural summit of 2024 began this process.
The Journal of the Academy of Doctoral-Prepared Nurses website will house an open-source application for an online journal.
Multiple Customer Relation Management (CRM) systems have been used over the years. We are currently contracted with Engage Bay CRM. There are few limits to this system.
Emails requesting the recipient sign up for more mailings (opt-in requests) are sent weekly, totaling approximately 28,000 messages per month.
Members of the online community receive monthly messages, including the OUTCOMES newsletter. This number is currently about 11,000.
Continuing Education (CE) is offered through the DNP Inc. website. The creation of CE is a direct byproduct of the talents of doctoral-prepared colleagues sharing their talents in national conferences. The application utilized is Learn Dash.
Currently there are 104 educational offerings covering multiple categories and areas of interest, including presentations that are 11 minutes, 15 minutes, and 60 minutes. These presentations are constantly being updated and modified. Most include audio with digital presentations (from the PowerPoint provided), and some include video presentations.
To honor all students and graduates, 10% of all proceeds from the purchase of CE goes to the Foundation
The doctoral project repository began as a collection of projects in progress and has evolved into a curated collection of completed projects. The submitting graduate invests a one-time fee of $30 for a lifetime of display of their project. The graduating university or college is also acknowledged and can use this repository as an archive of their student’s work by searching by the college name.
Project listings can be filtered by any keyword, the name of the university, the category of the project, or the type of organization where the project was completed.
These projects can be searched by any web browser search engine as this is a public domain, making this the only repository that can be viewed by the general public.
An additional service to project authors is the posting of their project on four social media platforms on three separate occasions that may span 1-3 years to allow their work to be made visible in these venues.
The listing of doctoral programs specific to the DNP degree began in about 2009 by colleagues that were concerned with the consistency of programs. Data was collected from these surveys and presented at national conferences. The listing of DNP programs today reflects these earlier efforts and includes the ability to search by keyword, states, curriculum delivery method (on-ground, online, or hybrid), and tracks offered by each program. The name and contact information of the program director or dean is provided.
Potential students are directed to this listing.
A new system involving an application that will allow the contact person from each school to enter and update their information is being developed.
Dissemination Team
more about dissemination team
Conference Archives
more about conference archives
Online Community
more about the online community
Advertising and Sponsor Options
more about advertising and sponsorship opportunities
OUTCOMES Newsletter
more about OUTCOMES newsletter
Career Opportunities
more about career opportunities
The Academy of Doctoral-Prepared Nurses
More about the Academy
More about the journal
Organizations that would be ideal for collaboration
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty
American Nurses Association
National League for Nursing
American Academy of Nursing
American Association of Nurse Practitioners
Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) is an honor society of nursing, promoting global excellence in nursing research, leadership, and scholarship.
The International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing (INDEN) focuses on advancing doctoral education globally.
International Council of Nurses (ICN): A federation of more than 130 national nursing associations advocating for nursing research and practice standards.
European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS): Supports nursing research and advanced education in Europe.
International Association for Clinical Research Nurses (IACRN): Supports the specialty of clinical research nursing worldwide.
Global Research Nurses (GRN): A network to support nurses involved in research globally, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
Australasian Research Institute (ARI): Promotes health research, including nursing, in Australasia.
Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO/ACIO): involved in oncology nursing research and practice, with international collaborations.
Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS) covers the Eastern region of the United States and focuses on promoting nursing research and improving healthcare outcomes.
Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS): Serves the Southern United States, fostering research and evidence-based practice among nurses.
Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) is one of several regional nursing research societies in the United States.
Western Institute of Nursing (WIN): represents the Western United States, promoting research and scholarship to improve nursing practice and patient care.
New England Nursing Research Consortium (NENRC): Focuses on nursing research in the New England region.
Draft 1: February 6, 2025
Draft 2: March 11, 2025
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