2025 DNP Conference and ADPN Submit Abstract Submission

Welcome. Please use this form to share your work for presentation at the 2025 Doctors of Nursing Practice and Academy of Doctoral-Prepared Nurses Summit.
All correspondence will be through the primary presenter as shared in this form.
We have a keen interest in experts that can address smoking cessation and opioid subject matter. Are you that expert? Do you know someone that may be an expert in this area?
Primary Author's Status and Credentials(Required)
Please complete this section to start the abstract submission process.
To be included on the website and in the printed program. 100-word limit.

A maximum of 4 authors can be accepted on this abstract submission system. Additional authors should be listed on the presentation.

Please select one preferred presentation category.
Please select the category that reflects your abstract submission.
Please include how your potential presentation aligns with the conference theme and objectives.
The theme of this year’s event is: Advocacy and Equity: Collaborative Approaches to Improve Patient and Population Health
Objectives for this year’s event include: 1. Identify large-scale collaborative possibilities to address access and equity in health care delivery. 2. Articulate skills needed to apply evidence to practice to inspire change and generate sustainable health care outcomes. 3. Demonstrate benefits of incorporating strategies in developing interventions to incorporate equity and 4. Share examples of how technologies enhance advocacy and services.
Please use verbs that reflect measurable behavioral objectives, such as: Define; Identify; Indicate; List; Name; Recognize; Select; State; etc.
Please use verbs that reflect measurable behavioral objectives, such as: Define; Identify; Indicate; List; Name; Recognize; Select; State; etc.
Please use verbs that reflect measurable behavioral objectives, such as: Define; Identify; Indicate; List; Name; Recognize; Select; State; etc.
Kindly copy and paste your abstract into this space. Remove all identifying information, such as your name or professional affiliations.
Final Review and Acknowledgement. All must be completed.(Required)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 5.
    TERMS AND CONDITIONS forms for all listed authors must be submitted along with the abstract. If all requested forms are not include, the abstract will not be reviewed or considered for presentation.
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