
Virtual Nursing is Here

Shared from HealthLeaders article from THIS LINK Nurses are feeling overworked and burned out, and there are not enough nurses to fill the gaps left by

The Science of Certainty in the Most Uncertain Times

This article was initially posted in LinkedIn at this location. by Daniel Burrus, Technology Futurist Keynote Speaker, Business Strategist, and Disruptive

The future of the NP: Not a joke

From a nursing colleague (Rebecca Love) on LinkedIn To say I was furious at the recent, biased and misfactual article in Bloomberg News regarding

Is Pursuing Diversity Worth the Effort?

In a recent discussion board for a group of graduate nursing students, Social Determinants of Health was explored in some detail. The majority of comments and

World Health Assembly, Investment Round & exposing the lies of the Tobacco Industry

WHO launches its first Investment Round to sustainably finance its Health for All mandate The World Health Organization (WHO) launched its first-ever Investment

Earth Day 2024

April 22nd is Earth Day! Cultural anthropologist, Margaret Mead, describes Earth Day as the “first holy day which transcends all national borders, yet preserves

Slavery and the Journal — Reckoning with History and Complicity

Check out this fascinating article about and published in The New England Journal of Medicine. As we all strive to reconcile and evolve from our collective past,

Why DeSantis’ War on Woke Won’t Win

In April 2022 Gov. DeSantis signed legislation that aims to regulate how schools and businesses address race and gender. The law, which has become known as the

Hospital Systems Ranked by Nurses

Becker's Clinical Leadership electronic news feed shared an interesting article demonstrating findings from MIT Sloan Management Review's published article

New DNP Essentials: let’s pay attention!

The AACN has been working to align BSN, MSN, and DNP essentials. They are out for review and many programs, schools, and universities are working to assure that

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