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Safely Reducing Primary Cesarean Sections Utilizing the PROVIDE Toolbox in a Faith-Based Hospital (0.25h)

Posted on: December 12th, 2021 by Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc.
Current Status
Not Enrolled

This educational offering provides 0.25 CEU and was presented in the Clinical track. The course includes a PowerPoint (in PDF) and an MP4 video file from the presentation originally shared at the 14th National Doctors of Nursing Practice Conference at the Swissotel in Chicago, August 2021.

Minyon Outlaw, DNP, APRN
Dr. Outlaw has been a nurse for 24 years. She decided to further her education by returning to graduate school at Frontier Nursing University in 2017. She was inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society in 2017. She graduated with a Masters of Science in Nursing specializing in Nurse-Midwifery, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, and Doctorate of Nursing Practice degrees in 2019.

She was recently appointed as the ACNM Florida Affiliate Nominating Committee Chair. She has been awarded many service excellence awards. Her most recent award was recognition with the Rising Star Award by ACNM.

The purpose of this presentation is to share valuable information about how standardization and team engagement can play a vital part in safely reducing cesarean sections for low risk women.


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