Eighth National DNP Conference Seattle

“How to be a Better DNP in 3 days”

September 16-18, 2015

Renaissance Seattle Hotel

515 Madison Street

Seattle, WA 98104

Seattle Space Needle 2

2015 National DNP Conference Objectives:

The learning outcome/purpose of this conference is to enable the learner to explore practice techniques in order to enhance effectiveness and improve health care outcomes through doctoral prepared practice.

  • Describe techniques to sharpen practice skills for the doctoral prepared nursing professional
  • Identify key doctoral prepared abilities in academia, leadership, informatics, policy and practice to improve health care outcomes
  • Identify methods of practice in a variety of settings to advance the services of the doctoral prepared nurse
  • Discuss innovative roles and strategies of DNP prepared nurse to improve health care outcomes

This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Western Multi-State Division, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, and Utah Nurses Associations are members of the Western Multi-State Division
CEUs 19 WMSD # 135-15

Click here for the 2015 Seattle Conference Brochure
Click here for the Renaissance Hotel Seattle Conference Space Floor Plan
Click here for the 2015 Seattle Conference Program

Beginning WednesdaySeptember 16, 2015 you can access the evaluation system for the 2015 8th National DNP Conference in Seattle.

Click here to access

Conference Schedule of Events
Pre-Conference Workshops
Poster Presentations
Breakout Sessions
Call for Abstracts
Presenters / Faculty
Support and Sponsor this Event
Activities in Seattle
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