Home Forums DNP Practice Issues Potential Crisis in Nurse Practitioner Preparation Potential Crisis in Nurse Practitioner Preparation in the United States Reply To: Potential Crisis in Nurse Practitioner Preparation in the United States


Thank you for sharing this article, David. It is known that there is a huge shortage of healthcare providers in the United States – so Drs. Mundinger and Carter are right to be concerned about the growing movement of DNPs into the non-clinical settings. However, like Wichanee pointed out, DNPs are seeking employment opportunities that will provide them a better work-life balance, compensation, and job satisfaction. On the other hand, I see this as a great opportunity for DNPs to bring their perspective to the table and affect change from other angles in healthcare. However, I think it is important to evaluate why nurses might be choosing nonclinical settings – I would go on a limb to maybe suggest that this could be related to lack of support and compensation in the workplace.

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