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Good morning Gabriela,
I find this question intriguing and quite pertinent. It hadn’t occurred to me to consider this thought regarding your question until the previous speaker brought up their idea. The thought of having “all our ducks in a row” before proceeding is undoubtedly appealing, yet pragmatically, it may not always align with reality. As a current DNP student myself, I’m confronted with the challenge of reconciling this aspiration with the ongoing demands of the program. Perhaps instead of focusing solely on what could have been done beforehand, we should explore actionable steps within our current context. Engaging with our professors, who often exude a genuine desire for our success, seems like a promising starting point. Additionally, tapping into the wealth of insights from fellow classmates or alumni who have travelled this path could offer invaluable guidance. Reflecting on my recent seminar week, I was provided with some very valuable knowledge shared with my fellow classmates and myself from my professor, much of which hadn’t crossed my mind previously. The idea of integrating sessions with recent graduates during orientation holds immense merit, providing a platform for firsthand insights and practical advice. Such initiatives could profoundly enhance the support structure for DNP students navigating their academic journey moving forward.

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