Participants Needed

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  • #46043

    Greetings Colleagues

    I am in desperate need of more minority participants for my project. I’ve had to move my recruitment date several times due to a very low participant interest. This project is an important piece to helping the world understand the difficulties minority races deal with during graduate school. If you would like to participate. Use the direction below to locate the project.

    – Click on the community option in the banner at the top of the page.

    – Then Forums

    -Then Important DNP study surveys. Please complete to support colleagues.

    – Select my post entitled “: A Qualitative Project on the Lived Mental Health Experiences of Minority DNP Students.”

    – Make a post indicating your interest and contact information.

    I will send you the informed consent ad demographic survey once these steps are completed.

    The post should look like the one below.


    For the study entitled: A Qualitative Project on the Lived Mental Health Experiences of Minority DNP Students

    Who are we looking for?

    We are looking for DNP students, aged 24+ years, live in the United States, and self-identify as a minority. You must be a member of DNP, Inc and be willing to be audio- recorded.

    Why participate in this DNP project?

    Your participation will bring help awareness to the experiences of minority graduate DNP students and their mental health.

    What is expected of you?

    You will be placed into a small group, over Zoom, and you will share your experiences about you and your mental health amongst other minority DNP students from DNP, inc.

    If you would like to participate. Please email the PI prior to June 1, 2023.

    Name of Primary Investigator (PI):

    Qween Ti’ye, DNP(c), BSN, RN


    Upon completing the project, you will be entered to win a $50 Visa gift card!

    Thank You For Your Consideration!

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