Alan replied to the topic Review these thoughts from Deborah Tannen. Share your thoughts and comments. in the forum The Personal Becomes Dangerous 2 years, 11 months ago
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted preexisting problems in the healthcare system and created many new ones. These problems eventually came avalanching down, overwhelming healthcare systems and organizations. The fear of spreading the virus and restricted access to medical facilities and providers forced the healthcare system to adapt and adopt…[Read more]
Alan replied to the topic The Value of the DNP; Job Market Outlook/Compensation in the forum DNP Professional Growth 2 years, 12 months ago
The role and responsibilities of DNPs go beyond just functioning in a clinical practice setting. DNPs work in academia, administration, and conduct research to influence nursing practices based on evidence. Additionally, DNPs seek to improve quality care and healthcare delivery systems (Gaines, 2021). Appropriate compensation for DNPs is an…[Read more]
Alan replied to the topic Check out this graphic to anticipate future effort in the forum The 4th Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic 2 years, 12 months ago
The COVID-19 crisis changed the landscape of the healthcare system. Although the pandemic brought fear, death, and created many financial and social problems, it also exposed how broken the U.S. healthcare system is. It also brought to the forefront the essential role frontline nurses play in healthcare, and the impact nurse burnout and shortage…[Read more]
Alan became a registered member 3 years, 1 month ago