Avery H. replied to the topic For all of our colleague students and faculty working to obtain clinical hours in the forum Statement Regarding Nurse Practitioner Students and Direct Care Clinical Hours 4 years, 7 months ago
Hello, thanks for sharing.
I would like to hear from some DNP students who are currently trying to obtain their clinical hour requirements during this time and what their experiences, thoughts, and feelings are compared to those before the pandemic. I would also like to introduce the idea that as APRN students we have to be responsible for our…[Read more]
Avery H. started the topic The Value of the DNP; Job Market Outlook/Compensation in the forum DNP Professional Growth 4 years, 7 months ago
The DNP is primarily a practice degree and many of us work or are planning to work in clinical practice settings, where we might meet an APRN without a doctorate in the same or similar role as us, with the same or very similar salary or compensation. These instances have obviously caused for some discussion and lead some to conclude that it is…[Read more]
Avery H. started the topic The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP in the forum DNP Professional Growth 4 years, 7 months ago
Have you guys ever mentioned to coworkers, classmates, or other healthcare professionals that you are studying to earn your Doctorate in Nursing Practice, and they respond with discouragement or ask you why? Then they follow that up by telling you, you don’t need it, you’re going to take out more loans and be in debt forever, etc. These…[Read more]
Avery H.'s profile was updated 4 years, 7 months ago
Avery H. replied to the topic A Great article about quelling the nursing shortage. Short and sweet in the forum Quelling the Nursing Shortage is like doing away with Jim Crow laws 4 years, 7 months ago
The nursing shortage, that has been echoed throughout our undergraduate education, which continues to echo now throughout our graduate programs and APRN practice, finds itself on centerstage once again but this time it’s hard to ignore it or drown it out due to the fact that we are in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic and the shortage of…[Read more]
Avery H. became a registered member 4 years, 7 months ago