Andrea M Whitchurch replied to the topic Review these thoughts from Deborah Tannen. Share your thoughts and comments. in the forum The Personal Becomes Dangerous 3 years ago
As we continue to deal with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, a “return to normalcy” creates anxieties for many about returning to public interactions. In addition, in some health care settings, it has all but been forgotten that there are many other diseases/ailments that can have similar symptoms to COVID and require medical attention, and…[Read more]
Andrea M Whitchurch replied to the topic A Great article about quelling the nursing shortage. Short and sweet in the forum Quelling the Nursing Shortage is like doing away with Jim Crow laws 3 years ago
While I agree that the nursing shortage needs to be addressed, I disagree with the author’s solution of placing senior nursing students in hospitals to fulfill their graduation requirements and bridge the staffing gap. I work in an academic medical center. Today’s senior nursing students had reduced (if any) clinical experiences due to the…[Read more]
Andrea M Whitchurch replied to the topic The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP in the forum DNP Professional Growth 3 years ago
I haven’t necessarily received negative comments, so much as a questioning of general confusion as to a DNP not being strictly a Nurse Practitioner. As soon as I say that I am enrolled in a DNP program, the assumption is that I and becoming a Nurse Practitioner. Of course, I go on to explain that the DNP is the degree and that there are 4…[Read more]
Andrea M Whitchurch became a registered member 3 years, 2 months ago