Elizabeth started the topic Best & Worst States for Health Care in the forum Best & Worst States for Health Care 2 years ago
This was an interesting article published by WalletHub, which I enjoyed reviewing, so thank you for sharing that with us. I understand that WalletHub used various components to determine the overall ranking of the best and worst states for healthcare. I found it interesting that although Rhode Island was ranked #1 as the state with the best…[Read more]
Elizabeth started the topic AACN Issues New Report on DNP Education in the forum AACN Issues New Report on Doctor of Nursing Practice Education 2 years ago
Thank you for sharing the informative document from the AACN. After reviewing the document, I was pleased to see many more DNP programs with a significant increase in enrolled students. More and more students are becoming familiar with the DNP degree and the roles of the DNP in the nursing profession. As a future DNP graduate, I want to…[Read more]
Elizabeth replied to the topic “The Controversy of the DOCTOR Title” in the forum The Controversy of the DOCTOR Title 2 years ago
APRNs who go through a rigorous doctorate program, complete a DNP project and graduate as doctors should be allowed to use the title doctor or Dr. because they have truly earned that title. The same applies to individuals with a Ph.D., DPT, PharmD, PsyD, DC, etc. However, it is crucial that those individuals also clarify to their patients…[Read more]
Elizabeth became a registered member 2 years, 2 months ago