Erin replied to the topic Navigating the jobs search as DNP who is not an APRN in the forum DNP Professional Growth 1 year, 10 months ago
I am in the same situation working toward a DNP without an APRN license. I currently work in nursing academia teaching in the undergraduate program and plan to continue working there once I complete my degree. Although in academia there is still a slight favor toward the PhD as the “gold standard” degree for faculty I have seen a shift in the las…[Read more]
Erin replied to the topic DNP recognition in the forum DNP Professional Growth 1 year, 10 months ago
I work as a faculty in an undergraduate program school of nursing. There is compensation in this role for earning a DNP which is equal to the pay increase for earning any doctoral degree (PhD, DNP, EDD etc). This isn’t a significant increase for the degree itself but does allow further opportunity for advancement. Once the degree is earned the D…[Read more]
Erin replied to the topic “The Controversy of the DOCTOR Title” in the forum The Controversy of the DOCTOR Title 1 year, 10 months ago
Hi Susan,
Thank you so much for sharing your insight and all the information. I agree that this is a concern for the DNP graduate, having worked hard to earn the degree it seems only fair that the DNP should be allowed to use the title of doctor. I think the main concern does stem from confusing the patients in clinics and hospitals but as…[Read more]
Erin became a registered member 1 year, 11 months ago