Ernst Uychocde replied to the topic The Value of the DNP; Job Market Outlook/Compensation in the forum DNP Professional Growth 2 years, 11 months ago
The value of the DNP is not limited to job market outlook/compensation, but it is a vital aspect to note when pursuing the degree. I believe that APRNs with a doctoral degree should have a higher rate of pay than masters prepared APRNs. As mentioned above, hospitals will probably hire a master prepared APRN over a doctoral prepared one because of…[Read more]
Ernst Uychocde replied to the topic The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP in the forum DNP Professional Growth 2 years, 12 months ago
Hi Avery,
I do not currently have that issue in the moment. When I tell my co-workers that I am currently studying for a DNP degree they seem to be interested in what the degree entails.
However, I do receive some comments from others like “Why don’t you just be a doctor?” or, “That’s going to take a long time to pursue”. It does get a bit…[Read more]
Ernst Uychocde replied to the topic Thoughts by Mark Lawrence Schrad. What takeaway do you see for DNP colleagues? in the forum A New Kind of Patriotism 3 years ago
Almost two years later and this post still rings true until today. Being a healthcare working is rewarding, but also very exhaustive. Between the vaccination and booster roll-outs, new variants, nursing staff shortages, and PPE shortages, these past two years have taken a toll on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-beings of nurses…[Read more]
Ernst Uychocde became a registered member 3 years, 1 month ago