Jennifer started the topic ChatGPT and the use of AI in the forum The Future of Scholarly Communication 1 year, 3 months ago
I have been interested in artificial intelligence (AI) and the use of ChatGPT. I know ChatGPT can plagiarize and not use credible sources. But is there a place for AI? Could it be helpful at all? Or used to help summarize difficult to understand articles? Do you think it can help with our DNP education? Or only hurt it because of the obvious…[Read more]
Jennifer started the topic Career Goals in the forum DNP Education – Preparing for Practice 1 year, 3 months ago
Have you ever considered academia as a career with your DNP? I don’t think I originally went into my DNP program thinking this was an option. I know that we do have the clinical experience and knowledge, and it could lead us to help fill the gap of the nursing faculty shortage. Just wondering your thoughts on this?
Jennifer replied to the topic The Value of the DNP; Job Market Outlook/Compensation in the forum DNP Professional Growth 1 year, 3 months ago
I think you are exactly right, as time goes on more and more people will obtain their DNP and the value of having one will be important. It is also interesting that you bring up that a difference between the Masters and the DNP (from the outside) is the title. I think people you are working with will know you have a DNP, but patients may never…[Read more]
Jennifer replied to the topic The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP in the forum DNP Professional Growth 1 year, 3 months ago
Hi Avery! I have definitely had this happen. I have had people tell me to get my masters instead, or at least get it along the way to becoming a DNP. And I have also had people tell me they thought a DNP would be too specialized and I wouldn’t have a job after school. Most of the people speaking don’t know what the DNP schooling involves, or wha…[Read more]
Jennifer replied to the topic Restricting the use of the title "Doctor" in the forum The Controversy of the DOCTOR Title 1 year, 3 months ago
Hi Susan!
I just read over AB-765. How interesting. The bill says that the public would get confused if anybody in healthcare used “doctor” other than medical doctors and doctors of osteopathy. It also makes it sound as though we are purposely misleading the public if we were to go by doctor as a DNP. I’m also shocked that if we did use “Dr.”…[Read more] -
Jennifer became a registered member 1 year, 4 months ago