Ji B. replied to the topic A Great article about quelling the nursing shortage. Short and sweet in the forum Quelling the Nursing Shortage is like doing away with Jim Crow laws 4 years, 7 months ago
Like many ideas near the beginning of the pandemic in the US, this article provides some very good, albeit idealistic, suggestions for how to address nursing shortages specifically. The part that had the most impact on me was the discussion on how barriers to the nursing profession need to be removed immediately; this is because it took a pandemic…[Read more]
Ji B. replied to the topic For all of our colleague students and faculty working to obtain clinical hours in the forum Statement Regarding Nurse Practitioner Students and Direct Care Clinical Hours 4 years, 7 months ago
Does anyone have any updates on how obtaining the necessary clinical hours has been progressing throughout the pandemic? In the information provided in the original post, I found it interesting that even though the required 500 clinical hours have been completed, if an acceptable range of experience was not gained, the educational institution is…[Read more]
Ji B. replied to the topic Wise thoughts that may affect us as DNP colleagues. What do you think? in the forum An Opening for Stronger Family Care 4 years, 7 months ago
We are now further in the depths this pandemic, and we still have as little direction/solutions for the various issues that came along with it, such as childcare assistance, missed work and pay, and healthcare overall. Federal and state governments are still struggling to figure out how to best manage/contain the virus, and have been inconsistent…[Read more]
Ji B. became a registered member 4 years, 7 months ago