Laura replied to the topic ChatGPT and the use of AI in the forum The Future of Scholarly Communication 7 months, 1 week ago
Great question Jennifer, I believe there is a place for artificial intelligence (AI); it is so helpful when used properly. It has so many benefits in regards to summarizing information to simplify complex content. An example of this would be summarizing articles and research papers thus making them more accessible and more digestible to understand…[Read more]
Laura replied to the topic DNP Restrictions in the forum DNP Professional Growth 7 months, 1 week ago
What a great question Alyssa! As a student in a DNP (Doctor of Nurse Practice) program I have noticed that DNP practice does seem to be different depending on the state. As this appears to be the trend, I believe it’s important for education on the DNP’s skill set to be implemented statewide and nationally. DNPs can be crucial in advocating for…[Read more]
Laura started the topic Communication for collaboration in the forum The Future of Scholarly Communication 7 months, 2 weeks ago
What are the most effective ways DNP students can work together with their mentors and fellow students to successfully complete research projects and publish their findings? What barriers would arise? This is important for Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students future research endeavors. Collaborating with mentors and peers allows for a gain in…[Read more]
Laura started the topic Work life balance in the forum DNP Professional Growth 7 months, 2 weeks ago
How can DNP-prepared nurses balance their work and personal life while trying to advance their careers?
Laura started the topic Post Graduation Preparation in the forum DNP Education – Preparing for Practice 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Do DNP graduates actually feel their education prepared them well for their jobs? What improvements could DNP programs make to better meet job expectations?
Laura started the topic DNP Project Barriers in the forum DNP Student Concerns 7 months, 2 weeks ago
What are the primary challenges DNP students face when selecting, developing, and completing their DNP project, and what strategies can help overcome these obstacles to ensure successful project outcomes?
Laura became a registered member 8 months ago