Lisa started the topic Potential Crisis in Nurse Practitioner Preparation in the United States in the forum Potential Crisis in Nurse Practitioner Preparation in the United States 1 year, 5 months ago
In the time frame of 13 years, 553 DNP programs were established, according to this article. Within those thirteen years however, only 15% of them were clinical-based programs. The numbers and statistics show a concerning revelation; as the need for more primary care providers grows, the number of primary care providers being educated and trained…[Read more]
Lisa started the topic Ethnic Group Hospitals in the forum Why Were Many SF Hospitals Once Affiliated With Ethnic Groups? 2 years ago
Reading through this article, I found it so fascinating how within the San Francisco Bay area, many hospitals were founded through their respective ethnic groups. Being an immigrant myself, I found it fascinating how the trend to stay close to your ethnic group continues from a long history it has. Even nowadays, there are “bubbles” of ethnic gro…[Read more]
Lisa replied to the topic “The Controversy of the DOCTOR Title” in the forum The Controversy of the DOCTOR Title 2 years ago
Hi Susan! I appreciate the fact that you brought up this topic to discuss on this forum. I think it is so crucial for us to be able to openly talk about this. Personally, I believe that anyone who has put in the work to achieve and the honor of receiving an earned doctorate degree should have the right to be called “Dr.” whether it be in med…[Read more]
Hello Lisa,
Thank you for your comments. As you mention, this goes beyond those holding a DNP degree. Here is the amended bill that is moving through the legislative process https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billCompareClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB765&showamends=false
Lisa became a registered member 2 years, 1 month ago