Mansi Patel posted a new activity comment 4 years, 7 months ago
Thank you for posting much needed resources for nurses. I work in the ER and sometimes I struggle with ventilator settings. We are spoiled at the facility we work at by having Respiratory Therapy available whenever we need help. However, due to COVID-19 RTs have been busy and nurses have to learn to manage ventilators. Resources posted here are…[Read more]
Mansi Patel replied to the topic Review these thoughts from Deborah Tannen. Share your thoughts and comments. in the forum The Personal Becomes Dangerous 4 years, 7 months ago
This is a great discussion post. I agree with the original poster. COVID-19 has changed a lot recently in our society, as mentioned by the above post. Many families are suffering and are unable to see each other due to pandemic. People who work in healthcare are unable to spend time or visit their elderly parents in fear of transmitting the…[Read more]
Mansi Patel replied to the topic Ideas of DNP Projects in the forum DNP Student Concerns 4 years, 7 months ago
I think you brought up a great topic, which is a concern for a lot of DNP students, something we all stress over a little. The great thing about DNP projects is that it offers so much variety, so it depends on a few things like where you work? Such as acute care, outpatient clinic, or school nursing. It also depends on the specialty. If it is…[Read more]
Mansi Patel became a registered member 4 years, 7 months ago