Patricia Boyle replied to the topic Well stated and provocative. See this video in the forum Nurses Need Secretaries (YouTube Link) 4 years ago
What a thought-provoking video. I often imagine being a nurse back in Florence Nightingale‘s day where there was little to no documentation. What would nursing look like if we spent 100% of our time with the patient. The importance of notating care proves very useful to other practitioners taking care of the patient but what a novel idea to have a…[Read more]
Patricia Boyle replied to the topic The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP in the forum DNP Professional Growth 4 years, 1 month ago
Negative comments in life often come from individuals who themselves have insecurities in the area in which they are discouraging or talking negatively about. To be completely honest the very act of telling people I am in a doctorate program shocks myself. My experience with both telling others and remarking on others mile stone of being in a…[Read more]
Patricia Boyle replied to the topic The Value of the DNP; Job Market Outlook/Compensation in the forum DNP Professional Growth 4 years, 1 month ago
Just like in any job setting it would be appropriate to compensate the advanced practice Nurse for education completed. As California turns toward independent nurse practitioners, and the public becomes more educated on their patient rights, I believe there will be more patients that pay attention and choose DNP‘s. This will increase the demand o…[Read more]
Patricia Boyle became a registered member 4 years, 2 months ago