Susan replied to the topic Potential Crisis in Nurse Practitioner Preparation in the United States in the forum Potential Crisis in Nurse Practitioner Preparation 3 years, 9 months ago
Great discussion~ The crisis that Mundinger and Carter identify is with the preparation of nurse practitioners within DNP programs themselves. The authors discuss the convoluted and fragmented timeline of the development of early DNP programs and the diverging curriculum and outcome competencies for NPs. This approach is unfortunate and all too…[Read more]
Susan replied to the topic Draft CCNE Essentials document in the forum DNP Faculty 3 years, 9 months ago
Hi Carol,
I love the idea of a pathway in public health however I’m curious as to how that would look and work. Since public health isn’t one of the recognized populations under the Consensus Model (unfortunately) it would seem to be somewhat of a limitation. APRNs would not be able to practice in that population but there might be non-APRNs…[Read more] -
Susan's profile was updated 3 years, 9 months ago
Susan replied to the topic The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP in the forum DNP Professional Growth 3 years, 9 months ago
Hello Avery,
Comments like these are unfortunate but reflect more on the lack of understanding of the role and what it prepares graduates to accomplish than on your decision. Our choices to pursue different educational paths our careers are very personal decisions based on career goals, values, and interests. We should not have to justify them…[Read more] -
Susan became a registered member 3 years, 9 months ago