Ricky Bonar replied to the topic Review these thoughts from Deborah Tannen. Share your thoughts and comments. in the forum The Personal Becomes Dangerous 3 years, 1 month ago
I think this phenomenon of being more connected through safe distance is an interesting observation. One way of looking at it is that our environment is slowly but surely shaping the way we behave; it’s changing our priorities and values. Another way of looking at it is that people are generally resilient and we are simply adapting to the current…[Read more]
Ricky Bonar replied to the topic The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP in the forum DNP Professional Growth 3 years, 1 month ago
Hi Avery, I think you have brought up a valid point. It does seem to me as well to be a recurring theme. Remember, negative comments are usually made to self validate in order to justify a missed opportunity. Some people see it as a blessing and some will realize that they wish to have the same opportunity as you but if that is not possible the…[Read more]
Ricky Bonar replied to the topic Thoughts by Mark Lawrence Schrad. What takeaway do you see for DNP colleagues? in the forum A New Kind of Patriotism 3 years, 1 month ago
A battle against the catastrophe brought forth by the pandemic is one way of looking at this. I do admit, especially during the first wave of the pandemic, a certain level of enthusiasm mixed with feelings of pride and awesomeness welled up inside me. Many a nurses have also taken the liberty to indulge in an opportunity to engage in heroism that…[Read more]
Ricky Bonar became a registered member 3 years, 1 month ago