Steven Watson replied to the topic The Value of the DNP; Job Market Outlook/Compensation in the forum DNP Professional Growth 3 years ago
Hi Avery,
I like your question because it is one I asked myself a lot before deciding to go back to school. I think everyone should do an honest cost-benefit analysis for the options in their situation. This topic is not limited to advanced practice either as nurses starting out have many options. For example, my sister once found a job as a…[Read more]
Steven Watson replied to the topic Well stated and provocative. See this video in the forum Nurses Need Secretaries (YouTube Link) 3 years ago
This is called team nursing, or at least a version of it. I enjoyed listening to this video, the presenter brought out many good points. One of the most clinically significant points is the decreased risk for cross-infection by fewer persons crossing the infection barrier. The presenter mentioned a moral objection to the use of international…[Read more]
Steven Watson replied to the topic Valuable sites to help with statistics in QI projects in the forum Help with Statistics and QI projects 3 years, 1 month ago
Hello, and thank you DNP Inc. and Dr. Linda Roussell for making this information available, I especially appreciate the article Quality Improvement Primer. I am just starting my DNP education and have previously been trained in 6 Sigma Process Improvement methods. I found this interesting and a good refresher though from a different perspective.…[Read more]
Steven Watson became a registered member 3 years, 2 months ago