We are all familiar with TED talks (Technology, Entertainment, Design). Yet we have a need in our discipline for something specific to healthcare and improving outcomes.

Introducing PICO Talks

(P)rofessionalism, (I)nnovation, (C)ollaboration, and (O)utcome

PICO Talks has been created to address the need of nursing and healthcare professionals to address a wide range of topics. These are TED Talk-like presentations that will be recorded and offered for free to anyone interested. The presenter agrees to offer their expertise without charge, and the viewer is asked to make a donation to the Foundation to support nursing excellence.

Please review these guidelines for a PICO Talk Presenters:

  • The talk is 20-25 minutes maximum,
  • Will be recorded without an audience for questions and answers, yet the speaker can received follow up communications,
  • Topics can be in the field of Nursing, Healthcare delivery, and address healthcare outcomes either in a quantifiable format or in spirit,
  • PowerPoint slides are discouraged. Talking to share ideas without images or words is the goal,
  • The talk does not have a specific agenda nor is it a single-topic driven event,
  • Diverse voices, points of view, and expertise are welcomed and embraced,
  • This is a platform to showcase innovative thoughts and processes within the nursing discipline and health care delivery,
  • Speakers should be transparent about the facts and evidence used in the presentation,
  • The goal is to bring colleagues together, and avoid content that could be divisive or polarizing,
  • Avoid being self-promoting of products such as books, products, or businesses,
  • Talks are to highlight actions, ideas, advances, and insights into what doctoral prepared nurses can do together to enhance healthcare outcomes, and,
  • Sponsoring organizations are welcomed and must be declared at the beginning of the PICOT Talk.

Are you interested? Do you know of a colleague that would be an ideal presenter?

Please volunteer or name someone that you believe would be a great PICO Talk presenter.

Contact info@DoctorsofNursingPractice.org to share your interest.