Doctors of Nursing Practice National Conference
Poster Presentation Requirements

Tips for Digital Poster Presentations (Best Practice Recommendations):

  • Include the poster title, author(s) name, and the institution where the work was completed, in large letters centered at the top of the poster. Include the address, phone number and email address.
  • Please have a copy of your Poster submitted no later than July 15, 2016. If this is not received as scheduled you will not be able to present.
  • Present your poster sections in a methodical sequence so that others can follow the logic of your presentation. A good method is setting up your poster in a column format so that individuals interested can read your poster, first vertical, then top to bottom, and then left to right.
  • Use a type size that can be read easily from a considerable distance (4 feet or more). Try using a type between 14 – 20 pt. The title should be larger than the rest of the text. Select a legible font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Helvetica. The poster pixel size will be 768 x 1366. The posters will be displayed on digital screens larger than 40 inches. Please keep this in mind while sizing and spacing your text and images.
  • Posters should stimulate discussion, not give a long presentation. Therefore, keep text to a minimum, emphasize graphics, and make sure every item in your poster is necessary.
  • Space your information proportionally: divide your poster either horizontally or vertically into three or four sections, and place your materials within those spaces. (Examples and tutorial links are provided below).
  • Please provide a digital copy of your poster via email (in Power Point format) by the date stated in your invitation letter. Please send as an attachment to
  • Handouts of your poster presentation are strongly recommended for distribution to interested conference attendees. Provision of these handouts is your responsibility.  We recommend you bring 200+ printed handouts.
  • Click here to use a pixel calculator to better determine the size of your poster.

Tips from the AV manager:

  • Image Width: 1366 Pixels
  • Image Height: 768 Pixels

Output Device: Digital TV 43-50in 1080i/p set a non-default mode: 1366×768)

  • Image Width: 28.46 Inches (72.3 Centimeters)
  • Image Height: 16 Inches (40.6 Centimeters)

What it means? We will be displaying PowerPoint from laptops at a resolution of 1366×768. We will be outputting that laptop onto a 50” Monitor at a resolution of 1366×768. If your goal is to fill 100% of the 50” screen you will need to keep the content within 28.46” x 16” (72.3cm x 40.6cm) of the slide.

Also note that if you are inserting a pdf (of a graph or something like that) and you try to stretch the size, it makes it extremely difficult to read the more it is stretched.

Here’s some information to help you prepare for the conference:

  • All presenters (breakout session podium presenters, panelists, and poster presenters) must register for the full conference. A discounted rate is available. Failure to register forfeits your presentation.
  • A block of rooms has been reserved for this conference at a discounted rate until sold out.
  • Evaluations by conference attendees will be electronic. After completion of the evaluation process, a Certificate of Attendance will be immediately accessible to the registrant. Feedback information will be compiled and send to each presenter (podium, panel and poster).
  • The presenter must provide any handouts. The conference organizers will not provide copies of handouts for conference attendees.
  • Internet access may not be available for presentations. Do not rely on access to the Web for your presentation.

Poster Presenter Information:

Conference planners have designated times for poster presentations. Please see the conference schedule page for times dedicated to poster presentations.

Additional assistance with poster presentations:

Though we anticipate that everyone has the skills and talents needed to develop and present a professional scientific poster, we’ve received requests for assistance in developing posters in the past. Please review these sites if desired. Some provide templates that may be helpful. These sites are optional support to be used at your discretion.

The conference organizers are honored to have you and your colleagues present at this year’s Doctor of Nursing Practice conference. We hope that the above recommendations are helpful in your preparation.


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