The Journal of the Academy of Doctoral Prepared Nurses (JADPN) will be an online/virtual vehicle for members of the Academy to share the work of individuals and groups that change practice or improve quality that results in enhancing healthcare outcomes.
The Journal of the Academy of Doctoral Prepared Nurses will begin as a quarterly online publication supporting the scholarly, peer-reviewed contributions of doctoral prepared nurses. It is the official journal of the Academy of Doctoral Prepared Nurses that welcomes the contributions of all doctoral prepared nurses including the DNP, PhD, EdD, DNS, DNSc, and any other colleague with an earned terminal degree in nursing.
Core Values
The ADNP organization’s core values include the promotion of collaboration with integrity, professionalism, and dedication to improving healthcare outcomes by integrating skills sets and expertise. This organization celebrates the diverse talents of doctoral prepared nurses that work in concert to improve health care delivery locally, nationally, and internationally. JADPN supports these values by expanding practice knowledge of all doctoral prepared nurses.
Strategic Timeline for both ADPN and JADPN:
First quarter 2024: Invite and enroll select qualified colleagues to join the Academy and serve as editors to the Journal
Second quarter 2024: Initial publication of the JADPN
The infrastructure for this journal venture is in construction. The plan is to have the journal integrated with this web site, yet other options are being explored also.
Update: The efforts to have this organization and online journal in place by the time of the 16th National DNP Conference were not realized. We have work to do in assuring the infrastructure is in place to accommodate and support the expansion of services. Please stay tuned. More information will follow.
Elements and activities to be addressed before the JADPN can become a reality:
- Assure the Website will accommodate the open-source application to build this online peer-reviewed journal,
- Develop a cadre of colleagues to help build and direct the development of this journal to reflect the values and mission of the Academy of Doctoral Prepared Nurses,
- Build a structure of content expectations at least 2 years into the future to begin to solicit and collect content for publication,
- Align with the ideals and processes of other successful online journals, and,
- Assure the growth of the Academy of Doctoral Prepared Nurses is reflected in the content and processes of the journal.
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