
Racism in nursing practice is something I have experience first hand at my workplace; One of the nurses had a bit of an accent and the patient humiliated the bedside nurse due to her accent and the nursing assignment was changed mid- shift due to this discriminator event. Having an inclusive environment and providing safe spaces for bold conversations where nurses may confront racism freely and learn how unconscious prejudice can affect patient care are essential components of a successful healthcare. Organizations must mitigate obstacles impeding the realization of these values and must react to overt the need for structural reform to address health, and covert racism inequities, particularly in disadvantaged communities. It is important to not undervalue the nurse’s emotional suffering. Keeping patients’ humanity while delivering treatment might be difficult for nurses when patients engage in discriminatory conduct. Organizations that provide healthcare must promote core principles that ensure a racism-free environment. If institutions are to successfully carry out their anti-racist purpose, strong organizational leadership and support are essential. Nurses must be aware of the effects of racism on the healthcare system since it can have a significant impact. Racism, which is referred to as a disruptive behavior in certain research, and its effects put at risk not just patient safety but also the wellbeing of nurses and their capacity to do their professions effectively.

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