Free Train-the-Trainer Workshop on Shared Decision Making: Engaging Patients through the SHARE Approach

A New Initiative on Shared Decision Making from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

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Location: Westin Savannah Harbor

Date: Saturday March 28, 2015

Cost: FREE

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has developed the SHARE Approacha five-step evidence-based process for shared decision making to help clinicians engage patients in their care.  AHRQ has partnered with the National Health Policy and Clinical Practice Conference for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions in Savannah March 28th, 2015 and is offering  a FREE train-the-trainer workshop for clinicians to learn how to implement the SHARE Approach in their practice with patient decision tools from AHRQ.  Workshop participants will receive information tools and guidance to teach other clinicians in their organizations about shared decision making.

Why is shared decision making important?

The concept of engaging patients in their health care decision making to improve the quality of health care in the United States is grounded in the 2001 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report: Crossing the Quality Chasm1. The IOM defined patient-centered care as “care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values” and that ensures “that patient values guide all clinical decisions.”

Shared decision making supports patient-centered care and allows health care professionals to work with patients to make the best possible health care decisions. In shared decision making, both the patient and clinician share information, participate in the decision making process, and agree on the best strategy for diagnosis and treatment. The clinician provides information, tools, and/or decision aids to help the patient understand available treatment options, and encourages the patient to consider his or her personal values in making treatment-related decisions.

Numerous studies have shown that shared decision making increases patient involvement and satisfaction in their health care. 2 An updated systematic review published in 2014 by the Cochrane Collaboration reported that providing patients with decision aids regarding their health treatment or screening decisions improves patient knowledge of their options, including more accurate perceptions of possible benefits and risks; increases patients’ active involvement in decision making and consistency of patients’ choices with their values; and reduces patients’ uncertainty in their own decisions3.

In addition, integrating shared decision making into clinical practice organizations meet the patient engagement requirements for becoming a patient-centered medical home2,3 or an Accountable Care Organization.4


Become a leader in shared decision making in your organization

Visit the AHRQ website to learn more about the SHARE Approach and register for a free one-day workshop on how to implement and train peers in shared decision making.   AHRQ offers free evidence-based tools and resources, such as research summaries, patient decision aids, tips, checklists and tools, to support your efforts in shared decision making. For workshop participants, a learning network and webinar series will also be available to support ongoing implementation.

AHRQ’s train-the-trainer SHARE Approach workshops are being offered in locations across the country. Trained educators will receive free resources and learn:

  • Five essential steps to engage patients in health care decision making.
  • How to incorporate resources based on patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) into shared decision making.
  • Skills to overcome common communication barriers.
  • Ways to implement shared decision making in your practice setting.

Teaching the SHARE Approach will provide a foundation on which your colleagues can work together with patients to improve and personalize their health care.


  • Institute of Medicine. (2001). Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century (Consensus Report)
  • National Committee for Quality Assurance (2013). Patient Centered Medical Homes Fact Sheet. Accessed:
  • National Committee for Quality Assurance (2014). The Future of Patient-Centered Medical Homes Foundation for a Better Health Care System. Accessed:
  • National Committee for Quality Assurance (2011). Crosswalk: CMS Shared Savings Rules & NCQA ACO Accreditation Standards. Accessed:

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