Piloting a Faith-Based Self-Care Hypertension Management Program (0.17h)

Posted on: December 10th, 2021 by Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc.
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This educational offering provides 0.17 CEU and was presented in the Clinical track. The course includes a static poster and an MP3 audio file from the presentation originally shared at the 14th National Doctors of Nursing Practice Conference at the Swissotel in Chicago, August 2021. Barbara Miller, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC Dr. Miller is an associate professor at Troy University’s School of Nursing. She has been working in nursing education for over 14 years and a nurse for 29 years. She is also in the US Air Force Reserve and serves as the 413th ASTS Commander in Robins AFB Georgia. Purpose The purpose of this pilot project was to provide a four-week self-care management program to improve the treatment of HTN among participants. The goal of this presentation is to share research regarding the use of hypertension health promotion strategies in a faith-based setting to improve blood pressure management. Faith-based organizations are a great way to reach vulnerable populations to institute quality initiatives to improve health. Healthcare providers must consider non-traditional methods to help support the health of communities and vulnerable populations.
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